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The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you but we develop an etiquette that allows us to deal with each other because if we acted solely upon our impulse we’d probably go to war. - Stanley Crouch


Polished is a contemporary dance performance about politeness and etiquette. Mami Izumi and Roshanak Morrowatian explore the unwritten rules of decorum and recognisable behavioural patterns. They dissect these elements and express them in dancing phrases, stillness, and more mundane actions. As if in a collage, the dancers paint a figurative picture of their own experiences and heritage.

The piece emphasises a longing for harmony and consciousness in our daily actions.


Polished was created with support from VIA ZUID, Talentontwikkeling in de podiumkunsten Limburg

(an organisation devoted to developing young talent in performing arts) and the ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond.



Direction, concept, choreography  I   Roshanak Morrowatian
Choreography & dance  I   Mami Izumi
Music composition  I   Patrick Housen
Videography  I   Laisvie Andrea Ochoa Gaevska

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