Vestis (the coat) is a duet that constructs a bridge between tradition
and the contemporary society.
It connects the public urban space of the city Maastricht with the Sint Janskerk in the heart of the historical inner city and overpasses a path that moves from the outside to the inside.
Vestis is a multi disciplinary performance project where dance, fashion, horse sport, visual art, digital sound- and music design, live music, scenography, religious-cultural heritage and the public space come together, complete each other, question and influence.
Choreographer Joost Vrouenraets mentions to be inspired by pilgrimage:
“I’ve been looking for historical, actual and personal points of connection that inspire me to create an autonomous work within the thematic that is communicative
for a wide contemporary audience.”
Vrouenraets calls pilgrimage an former shape of choreography and dance.
“The moving body as an instrument to think about life and the higher truths.
Pilgrimage to come to reflection or to take some distance of the hectic daily existence for a while; to experience, to have been there, or to only meet other people.”

Direction, concept, choreography I Joost Vrouenraets
Dance I Joost Vrouenraets, Maïté Guérin, Marika Meoli